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Spare parts and repairs: A right in Europe?


Right to repair voted in the European Parliament

77% of Europeans would rather fix a device than buy a new one. To give them the means to do so, MEPs have set the right to repair as a 2022 priority. To make repairs systematic, cost-effective and attractive, they want to : 

  • Encourage consumers to choose repair over replacement, for example by extending guarantees or receiving a replacement device for the duration of a repair;
  • Inform consumers about '"repair scores", estimated lifespan, spare parts, repair services and availability of software updates;
  • Develop smart labelling, such as QR codes or digital product passports;
  • Make the manufacturer and seller responsible for non-conformity of products;
  • introducing durability and repair requirements in a future Ecodesign Directive.

The European Commission is due to publish a proposal on the right to repair by the end of 2022.

Manufacturers must provide spare parts

To ensure that spare parts are available within a reasonable period of time and at an attractive price, rules have been imposed on manufacturers since 1 March 2021:

  • Spare parts for refrigeration devices (refrigerators, freezers, wine cellars, etc.) must be available for 7 years after purchase.
  • Spare parts must be available for 10 years after the purchase of washing machines, dryers, and dishwashers.
  • Manufacturers must assure the delivery of spare parts within a waiting period of 15 days.
  • Manufacturers must provide to consumers a list of spare parts available on the internet.
  • Manufacturers have the obligation to clearly explain through the documentation the defects that may occur, how to carry out repairs, and their cost.
  • Manufacturers must guarantee that the parts of the appliance can be replaced with classic tools.
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